Registration now open for the SBA Restaurant Revitalization Fund

All restaurants are encouraged to apply for the SBA Restaurant Revitalization Fund as soon as the portal opens at 11:00 a.m. CT on Monday, May 3, even those not in a priority group.  Here are a few helpful resources on how to proceed or find answers to questions:

  1. Sign up to receive updates – Small Business Administration (SBA) (
  2. Register in the application portal – SBA Restaurant Revitalization Fund::. This is the same portal you will use on Monday, May 3 at 11:00 am CT. You only need an email address and U.S. phone number to get registered.
  3. Visit the Restaurant Revitalization Fund website at Restaurant Revitalization Fund ( Pay special attention to the links below for answers to questions.
    1. Restaurant Revitalization Funding Program Guide ( updated 4/28/2021
    2. Restaurant Revitalization Fund Knowledge Base – SBA Restaurant Program ( updated frequently
    3. Webinar: Special briefing on RRF with SBA and Public Private Strategies Institute overview of RRF
    4. Webinar: Learn how to apply for RRF overview of portal
  4. Print and fill out the application to be prepared for the questions that will be asked in the portal (Restaurant Revitalization Funding Application Sample (
  5. Review the documents requirements in 3 and 4 above and have them ready to be uploaded on Monday.
  6. Contact call center support at 1.844.279.8898 with questions.

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