Early Giving is Open for Give to the Max Day 2021!

It’s November and that means it’s the time each year when Minnesotans come together to support non-profits through Give to the Max Day (GTTMD). Give to the Max Day 2021 is scheduled for Thursday, November 18… but you don’t have to wait until then to donate! With each donation made between November 1 and November 18, 2021, you could help the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) win part of more than $100,000 in prize grants through GiveMN. We hope you will consider a gift to the NDDC to support our efforts!

Each year, the NDDC uses the donations received from Give to the Max Day and our broader partnership campaign to support our mission of creating and sustaining a vital and vibrant Downtown Northfield. Last year we used Give to the Max Day to support the businesses and employees impacted by the devastating Archer House fire on November 12, 2020. Through the generosity of hundreds of community members, we raised over $18,000 which made direct and meaningful impact!

This year, we are focusing our Give to the Max Day efforts on connecting with people who might be new to giving to the NDDC–people who might follow us on social media or read our blog but haven’t given in the past. And if you are a long-time donor and you’re reading this, we can’t do what we do without your support. Our hope is that we can count on your support again this year, either through a donation on Give to the Max Day, or through the direct appeal you may have received from us in the mail. Every single donation is valuable to us and our work, no matter the size!

Our goal for Give to the Max Day 2021 is to raise $1,855 to commemorate the year that Northfield became a town. We are confident we can hit this goal and if you want to be a part of that, you can make your donation on our GiveMN site now. These funds will help support our various programs like Artists on Main Street, Bridge Square Block Parties, Northfield’s Riverfront and Bridge Square Enhancements, and our small business micro grants which help support our locally owned & operated businesses that make Northfield unique. The NDDC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

We’ll be posting daily next week on our social media feeds to encourage donations to help us reach our goal and hope you’ll follow along as we celebrate the special community in which we live, work, and play. We love Downtown Northfield!

On behalf of our NDDC Board of Directors and volunteers, thank you so much for your consideration and support!

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