Electric Vehicle Charging Station Now Available

Recently installed in Downtown Northfield MN . . . an EV charging station! There are two ports on the charging station and two dedicated parking stalls for use while charging your vehicle. The station is on the northwest corner of the 5th St. and South Water St. intersection. Pricing information can be found at https://na.chargepoint.com/charge_point.Continue reading “Electric Vehicle Charging Station Now Available”

Call for artists to design downtown banners

The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) and the City of Northfield Arts and Culture Commission are sponsoring a competition for artists to design a street banner that will be hung on lamp-posts along Division Street and Water Street in downtown Northfield. These banners will be seen by thousands of visitors and residents annually. The winningContinue reading “Call for artists to design downtown banners”

New Executive Director to begin work May 1

The NDDC has hired a new Executive Director! Greg Siems has accepted the part-time position and will begin his duties on May 1, 2019. Siems was most recently the Assistant Director of the Institute for Freedom & Community at St. Olaf College. Prior to that he was the Director of Vision 2020 in Austin, Minnesota,Continue reading “New Executive Director to begin work May 1”

Calling all Creatives to Build Connections/Conexiónes in Downtown Northfield

Artists, makers, and creatives of all types are invited to participate in one of two free upcoming Creative Placemaking workshops as part of the Artists on Main Street Initiative here in Northfield. Attending the workshops is the first step for creatives to apply for and potentially receive funding to support projects this upcoming summer andContinue reading “Calling all Creatives to Build Connections/Conexiónes in Downtown Northfield”

Division Street Closed from 6th to 8th Beginning April 30

The City of Northfield will begin the reconstruction of Division Street between 6th St and 8th St on Monday, April 30. Washington St. will be the marked detour route. Read on for more details about the this summer’s entire downtown streets project. Bookmark the following link on the City’s website for complete information and updatesContinue reading “Division Street Closed from 6th to 8th Beginning April 30”