NDDC Awarded $30,000 Artists on Main Street Grant

We are pleased to announce that the NDDC was awarded a $30,000 grant through the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota’s Artists on Main Street initiative. This program will help the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation to sustain a vibrant downtown by: Providing art and creative placemaking experiences that draw people to shop, dine and connect in DowntownContinue reading “NDDC Awarded $30,000 Artists on Main Street Grant”

Division Street Closed from 6th to 8th Beginning April 30

The City of Northfield will begin the reconstruction of Division Street between 6th St and 8th St on Monday, April 30. Washington St. will be the marked detour route. Read on for more details about the this summer’s entire downtown streets project. Bookmark the following link on the City’s website for complete information and updatesContinue reading “Division Street Closed from 6th to 8th Beginning April 30”

Bridge Square Sports New Lights: Thanks NDDC!!

[foogallery id=”12409″] In anticipation of Winter Walk 2017 and the entire holiday season, the NDDC considered how it might contribute to the festivities in a new way. Conversation turned toward the amenities in Bridge Square and the acknowledgement that the tree lighting array could be better. The call went out for contributions and the callContinue reading “Bridge Square Sports New Lights: Thanks NDDC!!”

Lots Happening in Downtown Northfield

Upcoming Events Defeat of Jesse James Days Sept. 6-10 It’s time again for the annual celebration of our loyal townsfolk who defeated the James Gang back on September 7, 1876. New this year is a Craft Beverage Festival at Armory Square, featuring beer, cider and cocktails from Imminent Brewing, Tanzenwald Brewing, Keepsake Cidery, Chapel BrewingContinue reading “Lots Happening in Downtown Northfield”