Call for artists to design downtown banners

The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) and the City of Northfield Arts and Culture Commission are sponsoring a competition for artists to design a street banner that will be hung on lamp-posts along Division Street and Water Street in downtown Northfield. These banners will be seen by thousands of visitors and residents annually. The winningContinue reading “Call for artists to design downtown banners”

NDDC Becomes Newest Program of Minnesota Main Street

Northfield is the newest Designated Main Street community in Minnesota. The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) applied for designation with the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota in March and has been accepted into the program at the Big City Affiliate community level. The public is invited to attend a special announcement in Downtown Northfield on June 1, 2018Continue reading “NDDC Becomes Newest Program of Minnesota Main Street”

Bridge Square Sports New Lights: Thanks NDDC!!

[foogallery id=”12409″] In anticipation of Winter Walk 2017 and the entire holiday season, the NDDC considered how it might contribute to the festivities in a new way. Conversation turned toward the amenities in Bridge Square and the acknowledgement that the tree lighting array could be better. The call went out for contributions and the callContinue reading “Bridge Square Sports New Lights: Thanks NDDC!!”