Bridge Square Block Party August 18, 2022

Join us in Bridge Square on Third Thursdays this summer for FREE and fun get-togethers. Our series continues on Thursday, August 18 from 5:00 -7:00 PM. Bring your families and join your friends and neighbors with various games and activities in the Square. We’re excited to welcome local singer/songwriter Mark Ross, from the band MarkContinue reading “Bridge Square Block Party August 18, 2022”

Enhancing Readiness for Business Succession

Are you part of the 60% of small business owners who were born between 1946-1964 who are nearing retirement? Do you have a plan for unexpected life transitions? Do you recognize the need for succession planning, but feel hindered by the cost, time and lack of resources? The University of Minnesota Extension and VisionOne HighContinue reading “Enhancing Readiness for Business Succession”

Call for artists to design downtown banners

The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation (NDDC) and the City of Northfield Arts and Culture Commission are sponsoring a competition for artists to design a street banner that will be hung on lamp-posts along Division Street and Water Street in downtown Northfield. These banners will be seen by thousands of visitors and residents annually. The winningContinue reading “Call for artists to design downtown banners”

New Executive Director to begin work May 1

The NDDC has hired a new Executive Director! Greg Siems has accepted the part-time position and will begin his duties on May 1, 2019. Siems was most recently the Assistant Director of the Institute for Freedom & Community at St. Olaf College. Prior to that he was the Director of Vision 2020 in Austin, Minnesota,Continue reading “New Executive Director to begin work May 1”

NDDC Executive Director resigns

Executive Director Jenni Roney has submitted a letter of resignation to the NDDC board of directors. Her resignation will be effective January 24, 2019. Jenni had a number of accomplishments during her time with the NDDC. In 2017, she redesigned a favorite summer community event formerly called “Taste of Northfield.” Renamed “Downtown Taste Tour”, theContinue reading “NDDC Executive Director resigns”